View Profile MchectorII

Age 29, Male

Joined on 9/29/12

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*coughs loudly and points to my teahers* lmao anyways I think I'm gonna start with some smile comics based off of real life right now too tbh

Can't wait to see it then!

Wait Nevermind I don't have a portal gun I have this box of lemon grenades

When life gave you lemons,you had to make them go boom...

Yep. Combustible lemons.

Sounds like a type of candy...

I'm excited to start!!

May the force be with you!


I think someone already did,my dear:https://tastytufts.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/warheads.jpg

And with you too :D

Thanks!I think I have too much of that sometimes and it comes out in the wrong places...

We gave a warhead to a teacher on Monday, he just sat there and said "wtffff tho its not bad" while half the class screeched in sheer confusion

That's what happens when you turn into a teacher,I knew it...

lmao yep....

Seen any movies?

I saw the gossebumps movie, that was actually prety good ;0

I haven't see it myself but from the ratings it has received,I'd say you're right!

you turn so salty sour and salt are noexsistant to your tastebuds lmao

Ahhh,stop confusing my tongue or it'll get twisted!

It's not as scary as I wanted it to be though...

Scary as having to deal with an unflushed toilet?

Omfg I'm dying xD

Oh no,why?!

Basicly lmao :U it was good tho

Good as THAT clown trailer?

Nothing will ever be as good as that trailer.

Hmm,you think so?I've seen other movies like it and they weren't from the 80's...

Possibly lmao :00

Since clowns didn't scare you,what DO you fear the most?

The dark, infinity, and losing friends/family :00

I think I can see why you fear infinity:https://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/FC_Infinity_41717_lg.gif
I wouldn't want to have my driving test on that kind of road...

I was reading about scary legends in the dark even though my mind told me not to...

I like it :P

Yeah,it even has cameos from almost every kind of monster there is and can you believe that this is more than 50 fifty years?Those monsters sure know how to party back then.So how was your Halloween?

Infinity is like a roller coaster you can never get off its scary!
And I've never liked the dark lmao, even when I was little :P

Yeah,don't you 'love' it when your mind plays tricks in the dark?

My Halloween was pretty chill, here we don't celebrate it as big as in the USA, but still, I went with some friends to watch some movies. We saw one from the 70's (which was very funny to be honest lol, so bad) and one from the 90's. How about your halloween?

Nothing much,all I did was to keep these guys away from my door:http://brianorndorf.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ee7b6428833017c31d8bf1b970b-500wi

Glad you enjoyed yourself,miss!

Yeeeep. I literally almost cried one day bc I legit thought there was a guy in my room

That could have been your brother.Haha,it reminds me of that story about the fellow who lives alone and keeps hearing scratching sounds at his door...

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