This is strangely entertaining despite the brutal and tragic demise of the main character,another one of the many to fall victim literally to the conveniences of modern life which are supposed to be machines but the creator has replaced those with ropes instead,to make the story less predictable.The rope system while having its advantage of making life more convenient,ends up being literally and figuratively,a way to 'rope' in profits from consumers who are unable to see the true nature of the business and thus,the poor souls end up having their money 'squeezed' out of them until they have nothing left,even,sometimes,lives are lost because of the financial problems,rather than the products themselves(unless they malfunction like those in a 'Final Destination' movies,now that would an exaggeration.)Anyway,everything else are well done and the story is kept short and the plot is well thought out,so great work on this and please make more if you can.